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西门子近日宣布收购知名的美国专业工程软件与服务供应商Vistagy Inc公司(以下简称Vistagy),目的是进一步拓展西门子工业软件的产品系列。总部位于美国马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆市的Vistagy主要从事高级复合材料结构的设计与制造。有关双方收购的协议已于11月初签署完毕。这项收购将巩固西门子工业自动化集团作为全球领先的工业软件供应商的地位。协议双方已达成一致,不对外透露此次收购的具体细节。考虑到需要履行的相关审批程序,整个收购交易预计在2011年年底前完成。

产品中使用碳纤维元件等复合材料的企业都 竞相 降低成本和缩短产品上市时间, 以 提高自身在 市场 的 竞争优势。复合材料结构因其 特有 的重量轻、强度高、耐久性好的优点,已广泛应用于航空航天工业和风力涡轮机的转子叶片中。未来,随着开发与生产复合材料结构复杂程度的降低和所需时间的缩短,复合材料的用途 , 尤其在汽车和船舶工业领域将会更广。

这也正是西门子向其产品生命周期管理( PLM )工业软件产品中增添特定工业工程软件的意图所在。今天的西门子早已跻身碳纤维元件生产线自动化领域的技术领导者行列。 对 Vistagy 的投资 , 使 西门子成为全世界唯一一家利用软件工具支持碳纤维元件整个创造过程的 企业 。整个创造过程 包括 了从 产品定义 、 开发到制造与服务的全过程。

西门子工业自动化 集团 首席执行官 Anton S.Huber 表示 :“ 针对特定行业要求设计开发的高级软件解决方案 成为决定 企业实现产品性能再上一个台阶 的关键 。对行业 的 关注将是区分软件提供商能否在工业软件市场成功的决定因素。 西门子 产品生命周期管理软件与 Vistagy 全球知名的特定行业软件 ( 例如复合材料行业 ) 专业技术 的结合 ,将使 我们 成为工业软件市场中的******合作伙伴。 ”

Vistagy 总部位于美国马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆市,目前世界范围内约有 300 位用户 在使用其软件产品,应用领域涵盖复合材料工程、复杂组件 和大型飞机结构 的设计与制造 以及 交通工具座椅系统和内部元件的设计与制造。西门子计划将作为软件提供商的 Vistagy 连同其产品、服务和技术支持与西门子工业自动化 集团 旗下的 PLM 软件业务部整合在一起。 西门子 PLM 软件 是全球领先的产品生命周期管理软件及服务提供商,具有优化产品整个生命周期和大大缩短产品上市时间的能力。其业已建立起来的开放业务模式能够满足所有客户的需要,无论客户采用任何 IT 解决方案和 CAD 平台,该业务模式都能够确保通过提供不断的支持,满足所有 Vistagy 客户的需求。

Vistagy 公司总裁兼首席执行官 Steve Luby 表示 :“ 过去 20 年来, Vistagy 一直致力于提供强大的解决方案和出色 的 服务,为客户的工程设计与生产提供支持。我们与 西门子 PLM 软件 保持着 长期的 良好合作关系。现在,我们期待着成为西门子完整产品链中的 一部分 ,以显著扩展我们目前的客户基础。”

近年来,西门子工业自动化集团先后完成了多宗收购项目,收购对象皆为工业软件不同领域中的佼佼者,包括美国 UGS (于 2007 年收购 ),德国 Innotec (于 2008 年收购) ,法国 Elan Software System (于 2009 年收购 )和巴西 Active SA (于 2011 年收购 )。

更多信息请访问: www.siemens.com/automation.


西门子工业自动化集团 可提供丰富的自动化系统、工业控制和工业软件产品与系统,以及全面的工业解决方案,旨在帮助生产和过程工业中的客户更加迅速、高效、灵活地进行生产。其先进的技术和专业知识,能够为从汽车行业到水/污水处理行业提供产品与解决方案。作为行业领先的自动化专家和工业软件供应商,西门子工业自动化集团对整个生产链进行了优化,包括从产品设计和开发,到产品生产、销售和服务。通过帮助生产和过程行业中的客户实现生产、管理和维护流程的数字化无缝集成,其软件解决方案可显著降低成本,加快上市时间,能将产品投放市场的时间缩短达 50% 。工业自动化集团包括五个业务部门,涉及自动化系统、控制产品和系统业务工程、传感器与通讯、产品生命周期管理软件和水处理解决方案等领域。如欲了解更多信息,请访问:www.siemens.com/industryautomation.

Vistagy公司是全球领先的专业工程软件设计和服务供应商,公司制作了完善的产品说明,帮助用户在设计阶段之初即能做出更明智的决策。通过应用专业的流程知识和专业领域知识,公司增强了商用3D CAD平台以创建解决方案,从而解决世界上最复杂的工程问题。通过此举,客户显著增加了对工程数据的再利用,最终实现了降低成本、提高质量和缩短把产品推向市场的时间。Vistagy与航空航天、汽车、风能产业的数百家一流制造商建立了战略合作伙伴关系,包括庞巴迪宇航公司(Bombardier Aerospace)、通用汽车公司(General Motors)和中材科技风电叶片有限公司(Sinomatech Wind Power Blade Co.)。Vistagy总部位于美国马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆市,公司网址:www.vistagy.com.

This document contains forward-looking statements and information – that is, statements related to future, not past, events. These statements may be identified by words such as "expects," "looks forward to," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates," "will," "project" or words of similar meaning. Such statements are based on the current expectations and certain assumptions of Siemens' management, and are, therefore, subject to certain risks and uncertainties. A variety of factors, many of which are beyond Siemens' control, affect Siemens' operations, performance, business strategy and results and could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Siemens to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements that may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In particular, Siemens is strongly affected by changes in general economic and business conditions as these directly impact its processes, customers and suppliers. This may negatively impact our revenue development and the realization of greater capacity utilization as a result of growth. Yet due to their diversity, not all of Siemens' businesses are equally affected by changes in economic conditions; considerable differences exist in the timing and magnitude of the effects of such changes. This effect is amplified by the fact that, as a global company, Siemens is active in countries with economies that vary widely in terms of growth rate. Uncertainties arise from, among other things, the risk of customers delaying the conversion of recognized orders into revenue or cancelling recognized orders, of prices declining as a result of continued adverse market conditions by more than is currently anticipated by Siemens' management or of functional costs increasing in anticipation of growth that is not realized as expected. Other factors that may cause Siemens' results to deviate from expectations include developments in the financial markets, including fluctuations in interest and exchange rates (in particular in relation to the U.S. dollar), in commodity and equity prices, in debt prices (credit spreads) and in the value of financial assets generally. Any changes in interest rates or other assumptions used in calculating obligations for pension plans and similar commitments may impact Siemens' defined benefit obligations and the anticipated performance of pension plan assets resulting in unexpected changes in the funded status of Siemens' pension and other post-employment benefit plans. Any increase in market volatility, further deterioration in the capital markets, decline in the conditions for the credit business, continued uncertainty related to the subprime, financial market and liquidity crises, or fluctuations in the future financial performance of the major industries served by Siemens may have unexpected effects on Siemens' results. Furthermore, Siemens faces risks and uncertainties in connection with: disposing of business activities, certain strategic reorientation measures; the performance of its equity interests and strategic alliances; the challenge of integrating major acquisitions, implementing joint ventures and other significant portfolio measures; the introduction of competing products or technologies by other companies or market entries by new competitors; changing competitive dynamics (particularly in developing markets); the risk that new products or services will not be accepted by customers targeted by Siemens; changes in business strategy; the outcome of pending investigations, legal proceedings and actions resulting from the findings of, or related to the subject matter of, such investigations; the potential impact of such investigations and proceedings on Siemens' business, including its relationships with governments and other customers; the potential impact of such matters on Siemens' financial statements, and various other factors. More detailed information about certain of the risk factors affecting Siemens is contained throughout this report and in Siemens' other filings with the SEC, which are available on the Siemens website, www.siemens.com, and on the SEC's website, www.sec.gov. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in the relevant forward-looking statement as expected, anticipated, intended, planned, believed, sought, estimated or projected. Siemens neither intends to, nor assumes any obligation to, update or revise these forward-looking statements in light of developments which differ from those anticipated.


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